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I'd like you to get started by opening a new browser, preferably Google Chrome or Firefox, but not Safari, as Safari will not work with the website we will be using. Next I'd like for you to go to the website, and using the login and password provided by your teacher, I'd like for you all to sign in and get ready to tinker!





  • Next, I'd like for you to scroll down to where you see "Quick Overview"

  • Click on the video, which will give you a little tutorial about the program

  • Afterwards follow the instructions above the videos that says "Take a Lesson"

    • Sign into Tinkercad, and visit the "Learn" tab for quick lessons that introduce you to basic skill sets in Tinkercad

    • While I don't expect you to do all the lessons on Tinkercad, do three to five of them, simply to get you comfortable with the program


After successfully passing a few of the lessons, open a new design, and use the rest of the class to begin tinkering while the rest of the class catches up!


Once everyone has had a chance to play with tinkercad, I would like for you all to break up into groups of two or three, depending upon your class size. With these groups begin by talking to each other about the cultural artifacts you have been thinking about recreating through 3D printing. Together, you will need to decide upon an artifact that you can create as a group which you feel represents you all. You can even decide upon a hybrid object that is a mash up of various objects. Regardless, take the rest of the class to brainstorm and talk together!

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